Rapes committed in Indian States/Cities
Introduction The recent increase in the rapes have made me just do a survey on the performance of various states/cities about the crimes committed in them. A comparison of Rapes that have happened in various states in 2008 is tabulated below. The summary of the table is: a) MP has the dubisous record of highest number of rapes committed b) AP is the worst performer in the Southern states which on an overall basis seem to be secure places for women c) Mizoram has the highest per capita rapes i.e. the number of rapes per million women population. Many North Eastern States have fared bad. d) Delhi, has more rapes than the states which have almost 4 times its population. Before I jump to any conclusion on the best place to reside, rather the worst place to reside, I thought it would be fair to judge the performance of various cities and then get an overall idea. Here is the performance of vari...