
Showing posts from May, 2012

I don't want cheaper Energy!!

Ever thought, if some one would actually say this. Of all the people, do you actually expect this coming from the largest Energy consumer in the world!!! Many companies in USA are suddenly fighting with a decrease of more than 25% in their total energy cost. All power utilities and major states which predicted revenue for the fiscal at a target price of $4 per gallon, are forced to work under less than $3 a gallonn. This has dented the profitability of all utilities and many states, especially in Texas and the Floridas ofthe world. Imagine a state whose primary soruce of revenue is gas. Now, gas prices have crashed by 25%, so this would decrease their revenue by 25%. This is precisely the reason that the stock prices of major utilities companies are down. Obviously the whole story is one-sided i.e. from the producers of energy. A country doesn't run by the producers of energy alone and hence overall the economy is bound to benefit ..  but Iam in the industry of energy pr...