Laws of nature

While I was coming on the bike just a weird thought flashed my mind that why are there such huge differences around us.

Necessity is the mother of invention!
Nature will always find its way...

We have all these sayings which seem to reflect the general way of happenings.

But, why is it that people have things which are not required for them.

Even one of the mathematical laws nurturing the nature says that when things start going bad, they really go bad. It is always exponential changes that nature seems to be associated with.

I observed the following contrasting things around.

1) People who are happy seem to be unite well with their family members.
But people who have problems, cannot cope up with things.
2) People who are rich, in terms of money, are very calculative in their expenses.
But people who are running short of money seem to always encounter things which
asks for shelling out loads of money.
3) People who think a lot tend to get things which do not need brains.
People tend to get challenging stuff, when they are least prepared for it.
4) Yesterday I was watching Wimbledon and I could sense that the top seed players had
more things going their way whereas it should have been the other way round.
5) Traffic rules are followed in places where they can live even without those rules.
Rules are most violated where they ought to be implemented to the fullest.
6) Seas get most of the rains.
Deserts are getting more desert.

And goes on...

Why didn't nature handle all these misuse of resources?
Why are there such huge adversities?
Why are there such huge differences and still nature speaks about equality?
Why isn't everything given similar launch pad?

Why aren't resources distributed to locations where they are most required?

Does nature frame rules in such a way that the oppressed will always remain as oppressed and the aggressor gets more aggressive by the day?

From human being's perspective, the final question is, why should the rich become more rich and the poor poorer?


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