Will ganga Die?
If one was following my blog, for a long time I just kept the topic "Energy crisis" as one of the upcoming articles. May be this is the time I start doing some preparation regarding the same.
Today I attended this session by an international journalist on the topic "Will Ganga Die". He has written a book on the same and has done exhaustive analysis on the origin, flow and different aspects of Ganga.
Ganga is a part of the energy supply of India. Infact it forms one of the major sources of energy in terms of water and electricity. (There is another form of intangible energy also that it supplies i.e. faith :) ). Ganga has been one of the major sources or to say reasons for the near about self sufficiency that we have acheived in terms of good grain production.
Most of the Northern part of India which forms the largest chunk of population and population growth in India survives on Ganga. No wonder Ganga is treated as a goddess!!for without Ganga India would be reeling under severe famine.
So, one of the most important things that India needs to take care is to ensure Ganga's water flow and sanctity for its own existence. The Power supply that happens from ganga is tremendous already and the irrigation channels developed from Ganga from the bloodline of India. So, it is quite logical that this major source of energy needs to be preserved.
Though I dont have any quantitative data with me right now, all that I know for sure is that no measures are being taken to preserve the flow of Ganga. Most of the sources of Ganga are already tapped. It is the subsequent tributaries of Ganga which are keeping it still alive. All the more the ever increasing demand of water and power are taking its toll on Ganga.
What can be the consequences if ganga dies?
a) 1/20th of World's population would nearly starve to death!
b) 1/10th of World's population would run out of water!
c) 1/8th of World's population would have lost a goddess!
d) World food grain production would be drastically affected.
One of the world's most ecologically diverse lands, sunderbans, would be gone forever.
Countless are the adverse affects of the death of Ganga.
I'd love to write more on this, but I'd rather put some quantitative data than simply throw stones in the dark.
Having been through the lecture I'd probably use fewer drops of Ganga water that's used in the daily rituals :).
Today I attended this session by an international journalist on the topic "Will Ganga Die". He has written a book on the same and has done exhaustive analysis on the origin, flow and different aspects of Ganga.
Ganga is a part of the energy supply of India. Infact it forms one of the major sources of energy in terms of water and electricity. (There is another form of intangible energy also that it supplies i.e. faith :) ). Ganga has been one of the major sources or to say reasons for the near about self sufficiency that we have acheived in terms of good grain production.
Most of the Northern part of India which forms the largest chunk of population and population growth in India survives on Ganga. No wonder Ganga is treated as a goddess!!for without Ganga India would be reeling under severe famine.
So, one of the most important things that India needs to take care is to ensure Ganga's water flow and sanctity for its own existence. The Power supply that happens from ganga is tremendous already and the irrigation channels developed from Ganga from the bloodline of India. So, it is quite logical that this major source of energy needs to be preserved.
Though I dont have any quantitative data with me right now, all that I know for sure is that no measures are being taken to preserve the flow of Ganga. Most of the sources of Ganga are already tapped. It is the subsequent tributaries of Ganga which are keeping it still alive. All the more the ever increasing demand of water and power are taking its toll on Ganga.
What can be the consequences if ganga dies?
a) 1/20th of World's population would nearly starve to death!
b) 1/10th of World's population would run out of water!
c) 1/8th of World's population would have lost a goddess!
d) World food grain production would be drastically affected.
One of the world's most ecologically diverse lands, sunderbans, would be gone forever.
Countless are the adverse affects of the death of Ganga.
I'd love to write more on this, but I'd rather put some quantitative data than simply throw stones in the dark.
Having been through the lecture I'd probably use fewer drops of Ganga water that's used in the daily rituals :).