23 years of trauma
We had a presentation on Bhopal gas tragedy today, and these are the excerpts of the meeting. THough I did not mention the details properly, people should certainly google the details...The presenation was by one of the survivors and an NGo activtist...Below are the details: They are taken into Union carbide There are bodies in tanks, fields etc. 16th Dec Bhopal is emptied, whereas the leakage happened on 2nd Dec All the colonies are left with no people. We spent our lives on alms....Either the parents are gone or the children are gone forever... This is all what Union carbide could give us... All those [ep[;e who are alive are leading life on deadly terms, Many children are uneducated, unemployed. Dow chemicals should own the responsibility of the status of Bhopal. It wants to spread its fangs across multiple cities... For the past 23 years, 25-30000 people have been suffering becuase all the localities are poisoned. Their water, air, and every aspect of those localities in those vill...