Sparkle in the eye!

I was waiting to get a glimpse of the sparkle in the eyes of everyone in our class and fortunately today I could find in couple of eyes.

Today for the first time, I was able to talk to the class about the concept of determinism. The occasion being the Communciations assignment where, every one has to speak about a topic of their choice for 3 minutes. Of all the topics I chose this topic than the Why marriage or Why children, because I dint want to make it very controversial, but of late I faced occasions where I felt people needed to udnerstand the importance of appreciating others.

I will not again speak about my perceptions on everyone, but the class itself was very interesting, infact quite amazing. The best being a small speech by a Phd guy on how an arranged marriage is initiated. Every one of us liked that topic.

But the presentation gibven by one of our team members on evolution was amazing. I think he entered the presentation as an udnerdog, but guess what he is the one who has probably scored much better than rest of us.

The presentations proved that, things that people are passionate about are the ones which bring out the best in them. Let the sparkle persist forever!


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