Surrounded by Seas!!

There is a similarity between the location of India and US, I guess looking at the title you might have gogt a hint, yes, both these countries are surrounded by seas, but India, is surrounded by another set of sea i.e. sea of sorrows!!

This article for once is not intended at the sorrows within the country, infact, if I compare the situation of India with its neighbouring states, we should consider ourselves to be in heaven.

Just to give you a glimpse of what is goign around,

Pakistan is under emergency rule.
Burma is under military rule.
Nepal is under the grip of Maoists rule.
Srilanka is relling udner the fight between LTTE and government.

Nature thought that equal amoutn has to be besotted upon another nieghbouring country of ours, Bangladesh, and hence it unfurled its fury last week in terms of cyclone, Sidr...

UN estimates that more than 50% of bangladesh is affected because of this cyclone. offical death of toll of 3000, which everyone knows is the scaled down figure, speaks for the devastation. The devastation is less compared to the earlier one in 1991, which killed more than 100000 people, but Bangladesh status has not improved a lot since then, and the infrastructure devastation is terrible.

India should be prepared for more illegal immigration from this country in the coming months.

This would be the additional sorrow to the states of West bengal which is already reeling udner the crisis of Nandigram.

I wish there is some good news going forward from our brothers in neighbourhood.


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