Missile shield

There is a saying at our place that one is not able to take care of himself, but has started to protect the neighborhood. But it would be ironical if the neighborhood agrees that he can take care of them.

Similar situation happened with European Union and US. Rather, I should say, US is pushed into this deal by Mr. Bush who has had a terrible 8 years of near deplorable foreign relations. US wants to keep a missile shield over All the NATO countries as a protection to any future attacks. Earlier the EU wasn't convinced about it, but under the existing circumstances, where US makes everyone believe that Iran may attack, eventually EU fell for the trap and approved the defense shield.

I bet that most of the contracts for the defense shield will be awarded to US companies, and since US is heavily dependent on the performance of their military, this will certainly prove to be beneficial to their economy which otherwise is in doldrums.

It would be interesting to see how Russia and especially Mr. Putin would react to this situation, considering that he is going to attend the NATO meeting within this week. Russia has already raised objections about this anti missile shield program. So, the relations between US&Eu and Russia will not benefit from this program.

But the point to consider this, how many attacks of late have been because of huge missiles. Since most of the countries understand the devastation caused by huge missiles ( Except US ;) ) in the past decade the raising violence hasn't been because of the increased missile threat, but small small booby traps and militant attacks, which hardly use any of these missiles. So, the benefits that EU would have because of this missile shield are hardly convincing?

All the benefits that I can see would go to Mr. US Inc.

If the same amount can be invested on other programs like food security and other contemporary issues, I guess it would serve as a better shield rather than a missile shield.


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