Where does it lead to

Next what??

The militants will be killed...Most of the hostages will be rescued, and we will forget the fact that Shivraj patil is useless until the next incident happens...

And we will also ignore Mr. Raj Thackeray's lack of leadership qualities during this time of crisis. And we will continue to remain the same.


Oops..It is not Same...It is SHAME

What is the course of action for the country? The PM has already blamed the neighbour, though our own people in the form of militants within the country are going to be eventual culprits.

War on the neighbour...No, pleeaaaaaaaaaaase? Yes, I will be consindered as a weak hearted person, but an outright war on a sovereign nation where the people do not hate, but only are under the mask of perceived hatred is not the solution.

Infact, we should go out on war against the militants.. Even Pakistan is not in a poistion to take away the Taliban and the AL-Qaeda from its hideouts.

Prepare a joint force and eliminate every islamic militant from the book and corners of both the countries. We can combat better by being together than holding each other necks.

In spite of all this, We will continue to ignore and remain oblivious to the events happening to the other people around us, and remain aloof of anyone's sorrows.

We will continue to blame the government and still elect the similar people in the next elections. We will stop questioning the government using the RTI.

No wonder can couple of militants with couple of handguns can scare 10 million people to make them stay indoors.

Even I am a fish in the same pool, just worried about my future and not willing to make any sacrifices, not willing to take any bold action.

All that I am doing right now, is blaming the authorities and trying to force myself to remain calm.

Only future can tell, where will this inaction lead to.


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