Neighbour's envy owner's pride

Suddenly the transformation in the Pakistan military and the militants in its country is quite unexpected and a welcome news for that country.

Post Mumbai blasts, the major militant groups in the western and the southern provinces of Pakistan have offered a cease fire to Pakistan Military. And guess what, Pakistan Military seems to be inclined towards it, and hailed some of the most wanted of those "militants" as Patriots.

Before the blasts all these people remained the main accused in the assassination of the Benajir Bhutto, x-prime minister of Pakistan. And all the militants who were accusing Pakistan military for their alliance with USA have suddenly extended their solidarity to the same military and also are shovering the military with praises saying that it is very patriotic.

The sudden act of comradery can be perceived as an indication that one of the parties played a major role in the Mumbai blasts and the other party is appreciative of that effort.

These are interesting developments and can certainly give some stability into the chaotic systems surrounding the western borders of Pakistan. Unless India acts in a quick and concrete manner, the future of the India-Pakistan relations seem quite bleak and are in for heavy winds going forward.


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