Adios Sir!!

The great C K Prahlad is dead.

Sir, thanks for everything. You made us realize the importance to look micro before looking macro.

Sir, your strategies have enabled the creation of many concepts like global SCM, micro financing etc. which have transformed the way business is done.

Sir, you have created these concepts of bottom of pyramid etc. with good intentions. As an academician you have made sure that knowledge is created.

But sir, the mere mortals that we are, made sure that the bottom of the pyramid has become broader after you suggested the value at the bottom of the pyramid. By implementing your concepts, people at the helm came across new ways to extract the most from the bottom. Your good intentions were probably misused.

Sir, we will continue to be inspired by your ability to expand the cultural ethos to global platform. Thank you and we will surely miss you!

PS: I always hated Union Carbide (will continue to do so), for all the bad things it had done. For once though, it has something to its credit...It enabled the formation of the great thinker C K Prahlad.


Anshuman said…
I seriously believe the moment academicians create such business propositions they are not inspired by the woes of the poor neither was Mr. Prahlad. He was helping his distressed corporate client. No misuse, it was the use. Spirit of the thing never gets transmitted as communication is a never complete or never completed (read motive). Mr. Prahlad was no exception. His frmework only made sure that exploitation continues at behest of micro-financing, micro-enterprises, social enterprises etc.

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