How I wish Buddha weren't smiling!!

Its been 12 years since Budha smiled again in India for the second time.
How I wish that the scientists and the government of India refrained from making him smile.

The first time Budha smiled, it inspired an otherwise sober Metal scientist to pursue on a dangerous mission of espionage and invent the nuclear black market.
The first nuclear tests conducted by India inspired one person more than any one in the world to make sure that Pakistan also became a nuclear capable nation. That man was AQ Khan.
The erstwhile kingmaker in Pakistan and the pioneer of Nuclear black market in the world.
I just started reading the book 'The man from Pakistan', a book I was longing to read for quite sometime.
Its just a conincidence that Iam reading it around 11th May, the day on which 12 years ago India conducted its nuclear tets.
Any one interested to know how close we are to a holocaust again should read this book.

But while reading the book and understanding the double standards of USA and the espionage of AQ Khan, I was wondering what would have happened if India never conducted its nuclear tests. 
Pakistan would never have become a nuclear capable state, and in the conventional warfare, India would have remained the dominant player between the two.
But now with Pakistan also becoming a nuclear capable nation, (some experts even believe that Pakistan is in much advanced position in delivering nuclear war heads than India is) the region has become very unstable. More over the threat of nuclear war heads leaking into the "rogue" hands has increased a lot.

I guess, all the credit should go to India for having not entertained any restraint on its show-off of strength. Infact since the first tests were conducted India hasn't made great strides in Nuclear technology and still relies heavily on outside support. So instead of a win-lose situation India actually lost the advantage to Pakistan.
So, more than India, Pakistan should celebrate the day India tested its nuclear devices for, that day transformed the way Pakistan pursued its nuclear ambitions.
In the process Pakistan has made sure that any one willing to pay money shall be provided with nuclear device. Kudos to India!!

PS: In case any one didn't understand what has Buddha to do with the Nuclear tests, the scientists in India referred to the success of nuclear tests as "Buddha smiled"!


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