Noise to counter noise

The rules say that officially no one can create noise or inconvenience after 11:00 pm. Hence even during diwali, we are not allowed to light crackers after 11:00 pm.
Nowadays, especially in Andhra Pradesh it has become a trend that people take out a procession with huge sounds during night and with such noise that it gets unbearable. Even if we complain, the voices are hardly heard. How do we counter the noise, increase the fan speed or put some ear plug so that the outside noise is not heard of.
This is what all of us do! we create some other noise to counter the noise. We live in a shell and think that the outside world is safe. None of us go out to actually suppress the noise. Least, no one even tries to raise a voice against the noise.
Whenever some tries to complain about it, they are pulled back by their close associates, saying why do you need to get involved in that noise. Every one knows that the noise is a huge inconvenience, but all of us keep mum, because we have our own ways to not get affected by the noise. 
Why are we, as a society so detatched to other's convenience. We just want to celebrate at the cost of others and want to complain when we feel the inconvenience. 
The noise that iam referring to is in many forms. Beginning with the barring music played by unruly crowd, to un-hygiene public toilets, Careless driving, corruption, wastage of water and electricity and many more!!
What are our justifications and excuses to stay away from the noise?
Stay in colonies where these do not happen?
Pay a premium for mineral water, and since I can afford it, I do not mind wasting either electricity or water.
I am safe in my car and I will also driving in a careless manner because even if I want to drive in a lane I will most likely get hit by another careless driver
And, finally I have an onsite opportunity and I will not come back to make any improvements! Let them go to dogs, I don't care!!

There are too many noises right now going through my mind. Let me also take this excuse to get away from a proper conclusion.


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