Salwa Judum is Illegal..A respite???

While I have my opinion about it being good or bad, Supreme court in its latest decree has ordered that Salwa Judum is illegal. Infact in 2009 itself Supreme court gave its verdict of usage of arms in Salwa Judum is illegal. But it apparently has not stopped the state from supporting the cause.
How many of us really came across this news about this latest Supreme court order, which was given couple of days ago. Hardly any news channel covered it (Except Hindu). Even NDTV, one of the most read online Indian news portal  mentioned that the verdict may hamper any anit-maoist efforts.
Don't we understand the impact of this judgement. For the past 5 years Salwa Judum has been proclaimed as the first line of defence against the "ill-willed" Maoists. It has been stated as an initiative by the tribals against the oppression of maoist. Highly surprising, when the biggest oppressor has been the state and not the non-state elements.
This first line of defence has been a major deterrent to the movement of maoists, for unknown reasons (Iam not qualifed to comment). But understandably since the tribals are to fight between themselves, that in itself would have acted as a natural deterrent for any forceful action.
During these years, while the human right violations have been immense, Salwa Judum has earned the benefits from the corporates and the politicans herding them. Thousands of hardly educated tribals have been given arms in the pretext of protection against the extermists. These people were getting paid a decent monthly salary and were given a gun, to monitor and protect the civilians!! Imagine a child being given a gun and being asked to ensure that the civilians are protected and that he shall not use force for his personal benefit. What a joke!!!
Now, with the Supreme court order, they would be forced to surrender their arms and would be left with no monthly source of income. Would any sane mind surrender his/her arms when the assured monthly salary is taken away?
Hence the impact of Salwa Judum is going to be felt much more in the lives of the Salwa Judum participants. They would be forced to live under the threat from Maoists and also not have any livelihood. Hence the only option left with them would be either to succcumb to maoists or leave their village to get into towns working as a labour. Or the better option would be to run amock with the arms and loot the people and brand it as an action by the extremists. That seems to be the logical route. This would mean another force for the state to reckon with.
The whole situation is similar to that of Pakistan. It is now having to deal with the militants that it probably has trained to fight against India.
While I do not carry any personal grudge against Mr. Chidambaram, if we try and understand who are the major benefactors from this...the answer is, probably the likes of Mr. P. Chidambaram or the politicians. Neither the corporates nor the tribals would have got any leg piece from the total endeavor.
While Mr. Chidambaram with his white shawl and a good will messenger kind of image continues to deal with press conferences with utmost diplomacy, the likes of his will continue to wage their war against the tribals and the real benefactors..
Guess, if you ever ask him what is Vedaantha saaram i.e. what is the essence of the vedas...his answer would be "Vedanta" "chidambaram" which means Vedanta is Chidambaram and Chidambaram is Vedanta.


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