Either you are with me or against me in this!!

Either you have sex and get pregnant or not have sex at all. Interesting stance that the so called forthcoming religion in the world has. (Religious views on Contraception)
“This is a direct attack on religious liberty and will not stand in a Romney presidency,”.. so says the spokeswoman of Mitt Romney - the Republican  presidential candidate in US. (And the reason she says so is to appease the conservative catholic Christians.)
Another statistic (Source; NY times) is that 50% of the pregnancies in US are unwanted. And among those 40% end up in abortion. Going by this the 3 million addition to US population last year would have meant ~2 million children unwanted!!
So, guess people cannot experiment with this fantasies to without getting pregnant. Not that every time one has sex she will get pregnant, but without emergency contraception or birth control pills, the population explosion would be unstoppable. 
Even in India no political party has the courage to say that birth control is not required. Didn't expect this from the self proclaimed police of the world!
Imagine, if Republicans come to power. Now that the likes of George Bushes are running out of ideas to attach other countries, here is the new reason. Attack every nation that suggests birth control pills. 
Here is what would be their reason for rogue states... 

"US intelligence has found secret sites where birth control pills are being produced. If not attacked, the world freedom is at a risk. And we, the republicans cannot allow any one to control birth because we do not subscribe to it. Even if we do not find these birth control pill manufacturing centers we'd have eliminated a regime which is a form of tyranny by allowing contraception. US alone has the right to do this. So, I the next gen George Bush alone will control the births across the world. Only through me should every woman in this world give birth.

Either you are with me or against me in this!!"


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