India story of Shale or Shame
As has been the case always, India is only doing a catching up in terms of
Shale oil & gas exploration. With USA already reeling under the excess gas
production ever in its history, and China going ahead with its second round of
bidding for Shale gas exploration. India finally woke up to the possibility of
exploration options and hence has prepared a draft policy, which is available
for comments on the Ministry of OIl's website.
With the recent power crisis, brining the energy crisis into limelight the
shale gas development becomes all the more significant and lot of eyes will
remain glued to the way things shape up.
The whole process in a very nascent stages, since at this time even the likes
of "Yours sincerely" is also aspiring to bid for the shale gas, India has to be
really cautious about the way forward.
One of the most important aspects associated with Shale gas is the (the
Nuclear related issue as well) is the long term liability of the developers
associated with shale gas development. Also the NELP exloration bidding
processes and the tussle between Government and Reliance in the releasing the
pending payments to Reliance stand as a big lesson for any party involved in the
overall process.
Shale gas is a resources which if not properly regulated may cause immense
harm to the surrounding ecology. Some of the most important aspects in shale gas
development are surrounding water usage viz. a) Water consumption, b) Stability
of the underground water, c) Possibility of various chemicals seeping into the
existing water resources. Water consumption is one of the highest in the
exploration of shale, and the possibility of re-cycling and re-usage of water is
minimal, and hence with all the hue and cry surrounding water availability and
usage, how would the developer mitigate the water shortages would be somthing to
look out to.
With India already reeling under huge water crisis, it'd be interesting to
see the guidelines that Environment ministry would develop to keep a check on
Shale gas development.
PNGRB which is the regulatory board surrounding shale gas development as well
hasn't had a successful record in exploration and development of a gas based
economy in India. The city gas distribution and the NELP exploration
possibilities which started with such great hopes have remained only hopes, with
the latter alone seeing some success in the form of KG D-6 discovery by
Reliance, which of late again has become dud.
With so many stakes and stakeholders involved, I guess it'd not be a problem
even if India continues to go on its snail pace in the development of shale gas,
since, no one wishes to have a shale gas reservoir drying up the total water in
his vicinity and then blaming the private parties for their melancholy towards
Wishing that it'd not be another story of lost opportunity for India.