Hope Dakota doesn't become Dakota!!

North Dakota has seen an increasing trends in various kinds of violence. Drug abuse, domestic violence and various other crimes have seen an upsurge in the recent years, albeit it still is below the country's average.
Now, why am I suddenly writing about North Dakota??
This is one state, which has seen a sudden rise in shale gas production, which has more than doubled in a span of a small time. It now has one of the largest proven reserves and is expected to play a strong role in making US, the leading natural gas producer.
The new oil & gas has produced lot of jobs, especially in mining, oil & gas technicians and various other jobs and suddenly the unemployment opportunities have become a thing of the past.
While I was going through a movie, I realized that many places across the world, which have seen a sudden upsurge in wealth have become some of the most insecure places. For example, many countries in Africa, Central & Latin America, Middle East, Central India have seen an increase in violence with a seemingly very strong correlation to the rise in natural resources extraction/production in those places.
Even various towns, which have transformed overnight into big cities have been far from successful in curbing the crime. I can quote the example of Gurgaon, a town next to the capital of India which has transformed into one of the world's fastest growing cities has seen such crimes that moving around the city post sunset became a contentious issue. While things have stabilised now, the sudden transformation was something that neither the existing people nor the immigrants could cope with.
With so many examples in hindsight, I wondered what would be the impact of shale gas on violence and crime in USA. Would all those places which have seen a sudden increase in wealth become crime prone. Looks like it may be the case. Further research may actually prove the correlation between the rate of increase of wealth to crime, subject to various conditions.

Or is it that US may actually not see major crimes because of effective judiciary, which may prevent the stakeholders from going that route. It would be few years before the actual trends come out. 
But, as of now history is seemingly repeating again! I so wish am wrong. It'd also be interesting to see, how things shape up in Colarado as well. More so, since they have legalized marijuana!!

PS .. In one of the dialects in my mother tongue, Dakota stands for "useless" .. I just hope the sudden rise doesn't make Dakota a dakota!!!


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