Screwed you ... Sorry .. Not me and not mine

All of us had a merry time. Enjoyed what all we got, as if there is no need to survive till tomorrow.
And, now, when things are evolving and indicating that surviving tomorrow would in fact be a big thing, we are shrugging our shoulders and saying that it ain't us who has caused it.

I am speaking about the Emissions and the recent senate vote within US, which rejected the resolution that humans are causing global warming (51-49 against the resolution!!).

Is it funny or irony that we feel that the climate change is actually happening, but yet are not willing to accept it. 

It is like the girl, who got gang raped, and yet in the court all the accused are vindicated. It is because the semen present inside the girl's vagina may be of the people who gang raped her, but the guilty cannot be charged for the presence of the semen. May be the girl herself willingly did it.

We want all, but we don't want to own any. Even I am like this.

I wonder, what proof is required to prove our absurdities and our retribution towards earth for no sin of her.


Every one of have seen multiple graphs like above. Yet, we undermine the obvious and believe that we are not causing this.

For once, may we live like Men and not like Ostrich!


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