Prize deserved .. or not?

When Obama was given Nobel peace prize in 2008, there were lot of critics who questioned it, for Obama has hardly done anything at that time.

he was awarded the peace prize for his campaign and the quote of "We need change!". 

That was 2008. Here comes 2015. Has there been a change.

On the contrary, republicans continue to run the show in senate and continue to stop any bill that Obama is trying to pitch. And it has been doom for quite some time now.

That said, here are a few deals that might tilt many  people towards Obama deserving the Nobel peace.

One is the cuba deal.. by extending the lifeline and ending the embargo Obama has shown that if 60 years of embargo could change nothing, there is a need for change. 

The second is the Iran deal.. In spite of Iran not bowing down a huge, Obama went ahead and has completed a deal (may be due to geo-political reasons), but the attempt to negate war with negotiations has been done with greater push.

And of course there was the Iraq troops pull out and the Afghanistan troop down.

One chink though remains in his armour - The Guantanamo bay. I hope he even completes this and then he can certainly claim his award.

But everything at one side and now the threat of ISIS on the other hand. ISIS is the biggest terrorist threat to the world now. Had the Iraqi pull-out been partial and gradual, the progress of ISIS would have been very limited. Did Obama bite the bullet in that context? Only time will tell.


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