My identity!!

If you think that you are what you think you are then you are totally screwed.

My exposure to certain things, is really messing with me about my identity in the digital world. As they say, the identity in a digital world is your mail ID, your bogs, your web foot print, my bank balance (which is also a digital entry) and all the stuff associated.

But ,through these soc alled social media and various other fraternity, I am no longer the beholder of my identity. I am wat I am perceived through these media. My projection of the same in these apps, and the analysis done by various technologies about me and my presence in these locations determines who am I and what am I capable of. 

This left me perturbed because suddenly my space is no longer my own, and its a mirage created that my identity is well being protected. Should it matter, I don't know.

I am a novice, but I am as disturbed as Edward snowden was with the amount of awareness he had about it. I do not control myself in the digital space, it is some one else owning my data, some one else tracking me and some one else perceiving me and deciding my set of actions.

Did I sign up for it? Yes and No. yes because I agreed to the privacy policy. No, because somewhere deep in the privacy policy it is written that your activity, including my location, browsing history and every other digital activity can be monitored and I never had the patience to read the fine print and cannot really be blamed for the lack of impatience to read the policy.

Most apps, that seek information when being installed or any other information are inherently trying to steal the data and make an image of yourself and sell the same to other agencies for monetary benefits and in the process, no one really cares what happens to you.

The impact of it will be felt when someone encounters the wrong side of things. Even Aadhar, I am signing up for sharing my data to the extent of ensuring peace and ease, but not when I am being policed for no reason at all. 

Not sure, where to draw the line.


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