Power crisis solves power crisis!!

Hey...This blog is not about today's topple of Sheila Deekshit in New Delhi, and the power crisis of Congress. Nor is it about the lack of power of chappell to enforce things( whatever be those things!!).

This friends, Iam speaking about, is about the real "power" crisis.

Now, do not ask me... define power, but in layman i.e. in my terms it is what all of us need to survive nowadays. Days may not be far away, when indirect sources of energy may substitute the food consumption...( What a brilliant idea!! :)...

Nevertheless the reality bites the dust. AP, my own state is reiling under power crisis, not that the u\other states are faring better. IN fact AP is the better of the worse. Just have a look at the survey done by differnt organizations across the country... http://powermin.nic.in/JSP_SERVLETS/internal.jsp

Our locality in Hyderabad, already faces 4 hours of power cut. And, this is going to increase to 6 hours. This, inspite of one of the best years of Monsoon. But, alas!! rain gods could not save me from the power crisis.

So, what can save me from the power crisis. Many sugggestions are coming up, like more power projects, emphasis on Ethanol or other alternative fuels etc., Reducing T&D losses, some heroic actions from the movies like Swades:) etc.

But, to me, the solution for this power crisis, is another power crisis. This time, I mean the power to rule all of us. Unless we have able administrators sitting and monitoring the situation, any amount of supply will fall short of the ever increasing depths of the political fraternity and that of the demands of the so called growing affluent middle class.

So, the solution to a problem is another problem.

Power crisis itself will solve the power crisis!! Think about it.. adios


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