Would Roark blog?

If blogging was available for Howard Roark, would he ever blog? I doubt if he'd ever.

Before I go ahead, let me introduce Mr. Howard Roark ( Would Roark bother to be introduced :) .
Howard Roark is the main character, in the novel The Fountain Head by And Ryan. He led life in his own terms. Though I have read the novel only once, and that too I found the novel interesting only during the midst of the course, rather than from the beginning itself, Iam putting forth my opinion on Roark based on what I understood..

Blogging is an activity that caught up with me, though not with full fervor but atleast at a medium pace, and Iam trying to see about this activity from Roark's perspective, who gave a damn about what others thought or what others would perceive about him.

But blogging in itself is an activity which speaks about sharing one's thoughts. Hmm...am I correct in this definition. Blogging is an activity in which people try to share one's thoughts in order to convince his thoughts onto others. So, Iam trying to put forthe this article in such a manner, which would probably grab some attention, though it might not contain any real stuff within itself.

So, would Roark blog? Would he ever putforth his opinion in such a way that others get attracted to him, thereby he can make some money through google adsense!! Roark as projected by Ryan is a person who speaks about perfection and being himself. To him subject is what matters, than how the subject is projected.

Even if he creates the blgo he wouldn't care if any one would comment on his blogs.

HIs enjoyment is in understanding the beauty of the world around, and just ignore the fact that people are really ignorant about sometings.

He'd be happy pressing his boots on the grass and being elated with a winning sense, rather than brood about the comments on his blogs.

He'd rather work in a coal mine, than deal with editing and working on blogging.


Pavan said…
My perception of Roark is an opinion of a person on how a person should be himself.

Its the Roark in you that had brought out this idea, so my feeling is, it makes little sense on thinking what Roark would have done..becos Roark the idea is specific to an individual
sriram vangara said…
It took me these many days to understand the essence of what you said..
For the sake of discussion, I wanted to putforth some points though...
If everyone could realize the Roark within them, would blogging be such a big activity all around...More over Roark was always interested in conveying his opinions, but would never make a compromise on his beliefs.
If blogging is the medium through which expressions could be exchanged, the original fictitious character of Roark would have bothered to blog.. aint' it?
Remember the dialogue that he says to the heroine..."Do you want me to tell you that I really love you and die without you? If you expected that, then you know I'd never convey that. But you also know that I cannot infact stay without you.." Probably that summarizes it.
Pavan said…
Roark in me says..Blogging is integration not interaction :)

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