Being truthful!!

"walk the talk".. I think this summarizes what is being truthful.

But are we really doing the walk the talk?

History itself remember the winners. For it, ends are important than the means.

Would Gandhi have been so famous if Indian did not win the independence? His fame grew only because his means produced the results. But, what if I follow means and did not end up in results. Would that make any sense to any one?

Being truthful is one of the best habits. But, if I am the only person to be truthful, I might actually end up doing nothing because the means may not give me the results atleast in this nether world.

Many a people get huge pay checks or benefits because for them means may not be important, but people will speak only about those people who have acheived the results.

In the present circumstances if I want to make some change across the society, I need power in some means or the other, and nowadays power is not obtained just by being truthful. I can probably implement my strategies of being truthful only when people listen to me, until then my virtues may not be useful.

To clean up a mess, a person has to get into the mess.

So, I cannot be truthful and expect the results until certain position. Is it?
So, when Iam the observeD I should be truthful but when Iam the observeR I need not have to be truthful?

So, if i lie can I justify to myself that, this lie was told to reach a position after which I will be truthful. Is this argument justified?

But, I don't want to be like that. I want to be able to convince myself about all my actions.

But, may be if I have confidence on the greatness of those virtues probably I should not be concerned about the immediate results which might discourage me from implementing those virtues.

The results of all the virtues are found only with tons of perseverance and loads of patience. One has to resist the tempation and not fall prey to the immediate luxuries. Instead one has to stick to his beliefs and perform the actions accordingly.


Pavan said… words to say ..i can only belittle my opinion on what you said if I put it in words.

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