Blast in Hyderabad!!

Today blasts occurred in Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad. Though I've never been to that Masjid or towards those areas, all that I know for sure is, it is the epitome of sanctity for muslims in Hyderabad.

Imagine the title that would have been given to these blasts, if they were to be showcased by major media channels across the world.

CNN or any US major media network would write it as:

Terror strikes at the heart of the city. Terrorists have targetted a major and the most coveted spots in the biggest city of southern part of the Indian sub continent.

The blasts have been meticulously planned to occur at the time of Namaj, the time in which all the muslims gather in a Masjid and pray. The timing of the blasts is perfect in the way, they occurred on the same day in which the culprits of the Mumbai blasts, that occurred in 1991, have been sentenced to imprisonment.

President Bush has condemned the attacks. He said that we should be prepared to deal with these attacks and insisted that terror cannot break our will. In his statements "We will not succumb to any of these blasts. These blasts prove that we are dealing with barbaric people. We will hole them out. We faced similar situations in Afghanistan and Iraq. But we are slowly but surely winning the war on terror. Iam certainly sure Taliban, North Korea and Iran are involved in this. So, I demand the congress to approve the bill for more 100 billion $ to kill all these people."

And the interviews or the telecasts would be equally gruesome.

BBC would show it in lot more saner way.

But our local news channels have their own style of presenting the data.

They just telecast the same thing again and again, and come up with same story. They would also create a animation show of how the blasts occurred. They will interivew some person who is no way related to the blasts and ask for his expert opinion(though the anchor presents his own opinion as the final judegement). The number of deaths would never be same across two channels and even the time of occurrence of the blasts also would not be same.

And lastly the rumours spread across wildfire. Some one says that curfew is imposed in the affected areas. That would eventually trickle down as curfew is implemented in all parts of the city, No vehicles are moving outside, No one is supposed to go near the affected areas etc. etc.

But, on a serious front, if we really look at the reasons for the blasts even before CBI or CID or CBCID or some intelligence group comes out with its one analysis, I can certainly think of some reasons which caused these problems.

Extremism, being the first...

People nowadays are going towards the religious extermism. It is the same with every religion, Be it Islam or HInduism or for that matter christianity... It is an open secret that chrstianity has spreads its wings across most of the southern states.

Every person has become very much impatient about the other religion.

We speak about Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai... But are we really?...I still fear going towards those areas which are dominated by certain sections of the society.

Second reason is that, violence always breeds violence. I still dont understand why is the most developed nation in the world unable to understand this basic thing that whatever we do to others will come back to us one day or the other.

All these so called Terror strikes, etc. and the way they are emphasised itself creates an aura of magnonimity in the kills.

Let us try to acheive some resolve and sanity in the things that we do to make this a better place to live!!


Pavan said…
Hey Sriram, nice work!

Whenver I think of thing that come in my mind is the caption "Deccan Chronicle ...Makes NEWS Exciting". I always wondered about the link between Media and Marketing and such instances made me less surprising that Media has become commercial, no exceptions to BBC or XXX.I hope few would debate on this.

Coming to blasts in Hyderabad, it is a signature of Power, Politics, Revolt and destruction. As long as the people strive for power there is always a revolt, sometimes unscrupulous which leads to catastrposhies like this.Politics fuels this phenomenon.

Power creates communities and conflicts. So my feeling is that all those buerocrats or technocrats who are primary for influencing the social living should concentrate more on Human Devlepment Index as they do strive for GDP growth. Only then, prosperity and peace previals
sriram vangara said…
Hey Pavan...Agreed with everything that you said.
The other day I was watching the interview of our present CM YS.RajaSekhar Reddy. He was speaking about the reasons for the so called "factionism" in the southern districts of our state.
His reasoning behind "factionism" made sense. He said, As the saying goes that the idle man's brain is devil's workshop, since most of the people in those areas are deprived of work, they are involved in all these activities, and now that work has started pouring into some of those areas, the impact of "faction" on the next generations has subsided.
As you rightly said, the HDI and GDP growth rate go hand in hand.
sriram vangara said…
continuing with my previous comments...
But there are certain philosophies which for some reason do not seem to get away from our minds even after acheiving the so called developed state. I've not analyzed what HDI would indicate towards, but racism and extremism are still prevalent in the most developed nations. So, shouldn't we be looking towards developing a society where we have patience to bear with others rather than simply reaching the so called elite nation league.
Pavan said…
Its very interesting that CM has responded in a way that makes sense.

I agree to certain extent that Unemployment is a cause for extremism, but more than the cause is the exploitation of the previleged.

Coming to racism, history has proved it has been there from hundreds of years. Its only the level of intensities that make the figures look better, but its not that an elite nation is passive in discrimination. Atleast in these countries there is a certain action for such things with greater probabilty of getting justice.

I agree that patience is imperative to bring change in the minds of the people to "discriminate" in a right way. Knowledge should go hand in hand with patience.

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