Conditioning the Air conditioning system

AC has become a necessity in urban India. With scorching heat and increasing closed room work environment, AC has become an indispensable commodity. The purpose of an AC is to ensure the following:
1) Ambient air conditions are maintained
2) Supply of oxygen is maintained
3) Moisture balance
4) Temperate maintenance

But I guess most of us always related it only to the temperature aspect. We are so obsessed about living under sub normal temperatures, that we even boast about our abilities to bear those temperatures. Even when the normal temperatures can be around 22-25 degrees many of us somehow want to live in temperatures less than 18 degrees. This approach, I guess, has got something to do with the misconception that acquaintance with sub normal temperatures show cases one's wealth and affluence. And the ever increasing attitude of Indians to showcase their wealth has made them reduce the temperatures in their living rooms. This in turn leads to an increasing the hot air coming out of AC, more energy consumption and making the outside environment hotter eventually leading it to a vicious cycle.

But the fact that AC is mainly intended to maintain ambient temperature is being ignored, which is leading to an increase in the power consumption. In spite of the burgeoning power crisis, companies seem to be hooked at finding efficient AC solutions to maintain those sub normal temperatures rather than to live in normal temperatures.

China has enforced a rule that all the offices should work under 26-s7 degrees and hence professionals need to attend meetings/conferences without their tie and blazers on.

Decisions of this kind are required in the Indian context because history shows that unless enforced upon, we Indians tend to be concerned only about the immediate luxuries even at the cost of the future generations.


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