
What does it take to grow up the career?
Is it hardwork, passion to excel, smartness or what else?

From what I have seen, I guess, it is liaison and PR that are going to be the major players in deciding the destiny of different people.

It seems liaison has become an imperative part of the whole society and it cannot run and live without it.

The interesting part is, Is this included in the amount of money supply that happens in the society.

The other day I was havign a discussion with one of my friends, who said that black money to a greater extent is a boon to the economy, because of the increased pace of transactions that take place.

But, why isn't corruption considered in deciding the total volume of the economy. Or is it already taken into consideration? Because GDP is calculated based on the total value of the finished goods, and these finished goods already include the corruption and the black money that is expended on them, so corruption is already included in the economy...SO, year on year is there an increase of 9% in GDP and corruption as well?? :)

The point of contention is not about whether corruption plays a role in GDP or not, but the role it plays in shaping up one's career. Is it possible to grow up the ladder without having to do with liaison. Moreover, is it possible to ensure that one sticks to the so called principles and, the so called ethics which are highly regarded only on paper, and still manage to reach his/her goal?

In order to do things one's own way, the amount of guts that one needs to have are tremendous. Are we giving up on our own self in the pretext of reaching the glory that we believe is going to take us places? Are we becoming the slaves of our own destinty?

Is it acceptable to do things against the thoughts which one always vowed to follow? Is it only questions and no answers to the topic of liaison?

The place that I aim to reach, Power sector, is built on the grounds where the rules are set through liaison. One cannot imagine to distribute a single unit of power without ensuring the flow of multiple units of currency under the table.

Iam scared!!

Will I be able to tolerate this? Am I strong enough to bear all that and still manage to live life my way? But as my friend told me, liaison is a small step to reach the goal? If I have to make a difference to the millions around me, it is fine to make sure that a particular person is happy, though it is against the rule book.

Please give me wisdom to chose between the options, but give me the strength and path to make a difference to millions of lives.


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