They came for me, but no one is left to look after me...

Ever wondered what can be the cost of a foolish decision!

A decision taken by Musharraf has just taken a toll on 1.3 million people in Swat valley
[details about the swat valley]

Taliban has almost taken its control over swat valley and people over there are being made to do the things that they never thought they would have to worry about. This reminds of the famous philosopher against the nazis..

They came for the communists and I ignored, because Iam not a communist
They came for the Jews and I ignored, because Iam not a Jew
They came for the Russians and I ignored, because Iam not one of them
And finally they came for me, but there was no one to rescue me...

Similar is the situation for people in Pakistan...they ignored the raising threats from Taliban and ignored all the crimes that they performed all this while and now the Taliban came for them and they are helpless..

Police is complaining of lack of equipment and will from the government to take the highly trained and motivated Taliban.
After bearing the misuse of funds for a long time by Pakistan, USA now is going on its own pursuit against the militants and that's not helping the cause of Pakistan.
After all which country would accept their boundaries being bombarded by another nation. But Pakistan is having to see the result of its own actions.

In the course of all this, young people especially girls and women are suffering the most. Understand the situation of the girls there...14 girls had to face acid attacks because they planned to go to school!!

What aspect of a religion preaches all this??

I was trying to understand the "sharia law", which defines the rules of Taliban. It seems that a woman wearing high heels will cause sexual inclination in men and hence she should not wear high heels. Woman should not read because that may make them more liberal. Many of these rules appear so weird that I can't understand why educated muslims believe in all this and go and kill the people.

All that Iam doing is raise the voice against that through this blog, but not doing any thing concrete to help the cause. May be I myself am one of the culprits! :((


Elitecoder said…
Well, truth remains the truth, and its half job done if you don't hide in your house or support the culprits when they come for your neighbors.
There is no justification. All that can be done is to see the misery with eyes wide open while monstrosity spreads everywhere.

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