What did Bush intend to do?

How ever considerate I wish to be about the policies of Bush he always surprises me with more and more acts that seem to take the common man's life for a toss. I came across this article in NYtimes about the acts that Bush pushed during the last stages of his government. Here are some of those acts...

Health care: One particularly objectionable rule took effect the day President Bush left town. It gives an increased number of medical institutions and a broad range of health care workers the right to refuse to provide abortion referrals, unbiased counseling or emergency contraception, even to rape victims — further restricting women’s rights to health care. The administration should suspend enforcement and craft a new rule.

Gun control: A new rule would end a 25-year ban on carrying loaded weapons in national parks, which are among the safest places in this country. Before that changes, the administration should overturn this rule.

Workers’ rights: Revisions to the federal guest worker program would weaken wage protections and housing standards for temporary agricultural workers, who already have far too few protections.

The environment: The Bush administration worked overtime in its waning days to weaken protections for the air, water and endangered species. Representative Nick Rahall, a Democrat from West Virginia, plans to invoke the Congressional Review Act to overturn an Interior Department ruling that carved out significant exceptions to required scientific reviews of federal projects that could harm threatened or endangered species.

These acts have been the ones which came into picture during the fag days of the Bush administration. But even during his first tenure of 4 years, the tax breaks that he declared gave more than $50000 into the pockets of the rich and relatively a fewer amount to the people at the bottom of the pyramid.

There were things that he probably intended to be good like increased consumption, but that in fact has triggered the creation of bubble, which has taken most of the world down along with its demise.

I wonder if anyone would ever want to follow the footsteps of Mr. Bush. No wonder his brother has opted out of the senator's race because of the worst ever ratings to the Bush family. May sanity prevail in everyone's brains!


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