
Showing posts from March, 2011

Reforms, Reforms and More Reforms???

Everywhere we see, we come across this word "reforms". Manmohan singh is going slow on Reforms China has revamped its reforms Wisconsin state cut down the perks to Govt. employees as a process of reforms. Pakistan is against reforms Greece has re-invented its reforms strategy. Economies both well-developed, developing and under-developed are going ahead with reforms. What exactly is Reform? What is the end goal...? Is it to encourage capitalism? Or is it to encourage freedom? Or is it to just change the status quo ? Or does it simply mean implementing free market where every one is allowed to act for self benefit with no concern about others? Or is it to reduce the flab of Govt.? Many reforms as I have seen encourage capitalism...take any example, that seems to be the case. So, can I assume that reforms intend only capitalism? If that were to be the case, then much of the societies will crumble in these reforms...because stand alone capitalis...

Murder the Media.

why does a state with 8 crores population require 15 linguistic news channels over and above the hindi and english news channels.. it is only causing furore and not helping any purpose... Meida place a very responsible role...but the channels in AP are the ones who are creating all the ruccus... we have more than 15 news channels in Telugu...individual parties, castes and people have individual news channels conveying messages which cause more harm than any justice.. there is no regulatory body for any of this.. I don't understand why are they not being curbed... if I hit a  person, the channel owned by me justifies my act and the other channel creates agitation... what society are we living in... mass communications which is such a potent weapon is mishandled to the fullest in Andhra Pradesh. no curbs on internet is required in India yet, since it is a communication channel which people choose to use, unlike news channels in television which have huge impact... there hav...

Another bamiyan collapse in Hyderabad

How does it matter? they are just idols... (Famous idols demolished in Hyderabad today) idol of a person who has translated the total epic of BHagavatha into telugu, he has taught us the versses, epitome of Telugu what, if his idol is destroyed.. a king who has built the temple of tirupathi, who being a non-telugu has learnt and has developed beautiful verses in telugu, so what, if his idol is destroyed. big deal, if the idol of Mrs. Molla is destroyed..what contribution did he provide...after all she was the one who translated ramayana in sanskrit to that any great acheivement worth so much that she deserves a idol...big deal... so what if veersalingam pantulu's idol is destroyed..what does he mean to us...all that he does is probably remove sati..eradicate caste differences..was one of the greatest what.. and so what if sri sri's idol is destroyed...the one who proclaimed that let me atleast shed a tear to the woes of the world...s...