Another bamiyan collapse in Hyderabad

How does it matter? they are just idols... (Famous idols demolished in Hyderabad today)

idol of a person who has translated the total epic of BHagavatha into telugu, he has taught us the versses, epitome of Telugu what, if his idol is destroyed..
a king who has built the temple of tirupathi, who being a non-telugu has learnt and has developed beautiful verses in telugu, so what, if his idol is destroyed.
big deal, if the idol of Mrs. Molla is destroyed..what contribution did he provide...after all she was the one who translated ramayana in sanskrit to that any great acheivement worth so much that she deserves a idol...big deal...

so what if veersalingam pantulu's idol is destroyed..what does he mean to us...all that he does is probably remove sati..eradicate caste differences..was one of the greatest what..

and so what if sri sri's idol is destroyed...the one who proclaimed that let me atleast shed a tear to the woes of the what...he was just a voice of the youth during the yester years...he doesn't matter any what?
so what if the idols of the only famous rulers of andhra pradesh are destroyed..

so what if the idol of rudrama devi, who was the pinnacle of bravery is destroyed...
does anything matter to

all of us have transformed into just rocks, unmoved..careless...

this is the day of bamiyan in andhra pradesh....

fuck u all people...if I can't preserve my culture what future am I looking at...

why was I dreaming that something of this nature would happen during these protests of Telangana...where are we headed as a society...why are people not apologetic ...

Iam what am because of my history and culture...people go to great extents to preserve their culture...

em chesi manam valla runam teerchukogalamu...

how should I convey my angst to these people who have destroyed the precious idols..

we lost it...

we are being blackmailed to split ourselves into two...Iam just not able to stop my anguish..

this is as bad as the demolition of ayodhya wonder muslims were frustrated...

whom should one is history for god sake...why are you destroying it...we need to preserve it...

I just hope that the Buddha's idol is left untouched...but I can just pray..wouldn't be surprised it it happens the other way


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