Reforms, Reforms and More Reforms???

Everywhere we see, we come across this word "reforms".

Manmohan singh is going slow on Reforms
China has revamped its reforms
Wisconsin state cut down the perks to Govt. employees as a process of reforms.
Pakistan is against reforms
Greece has re-invented its reforms strategy.

Economies both well-developed, developing and under-developed are going ahead with reforms.

What exactly is Reform? What is the end goal...?

Is it to encourage capitalism? Or is it to encourage freedom? Or is it to just change the status quo? Or does it simply mean implementing free market where every one is allowed to act for self benefit with no concern about others? Or is it to reduce the flab of Govt.?

Many reforms as I have seen encourage capitalism...take any example, that seems to be the case.

So, can I assume that reforms intend only capitalism? If that were to be the case, then much of the societies will crumble in these reforms...because stand alone capitalism will not ensure the benefit of every one..

so, what exactly does Govt. intend to do by coming up with reforms? I still have only questions and no answers.

As is the case with this blog, reforms seem to be present everywhere but are going no where!!


Pradeep Nair said…
It's rather sad that Manmohan Singh who started off well, and enjoys considerably good reputation around the world, is on a downslide. He seems to be losing grip of the economy and politics. With all the credit of reforms, he should have gracefully retired.

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