Hum do aur hamaare kitne??

The title of the blog is inspited by the famous caption "ham do, hamaare do" (We two, ours two), thereby asking people to have only two kids.

But who determines how many kids should a couple have. While there are lot of factors that influence the decision, it is primarily the couple which has the last laugh in it. But what if the state interefers in the decision making process.

What if the state tells me how many kids should I have? Instead of encouraging me to have less number of kids, if the state legalizes or dictates the number of kids that a couple can have, isn't it a gross violation of the privacy and the way a couple behave?

Why am I having this discussion?

Because of the proposed new bill in Kerala state proposing to impose a punishment on a person opting for more than 2 children. While the intention to control population growth is correct, a legal punishment doesn't seem to be the right choice.

The next time, the state may also dictate that it is illegal to have sex without contraception...(how can the state keep a track of that is a different question altogether ;) ). Or probably it is illegal to have sex during certain time or in certain position..(who cares!!). The point of contention being, the state cannot determine the number of kids that one has, rather it should take measures to dis-incentivise any action which is not good for the better lot of the society, in this case increased population. 

So, the next time another bill with an extreme opinions, may actually circumsize a person completely after he had two kids. I am exaggerating the repercussions, because the thought process behind the law seems to bea subdued version similar to nazi's execution of Jews or the Gujarat riots where the intention is to eliminate or suppress the growth rate of certain section of the population.

I am not proposing an alternate solution as yet, because we've failed in execution of every decision. While this may still be a step in the right direction, I condemn any action done by the state directing my private and personal choices.

What if a person had two kids with one marriage, would he be entitled to marry and have kids with another woman who already has a kid? (Yeah yeah...I know the man is really working hard... :) )

So, will the state even penalize me the next time if I comment about sex..
I give a damn, as long as I am allowed to do it.


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