Humanistic Managers

Why aren't emotions considered important for managers. We keep complaining about our bosses that they somehow can't understand the problems of his sub-ordinates. Boss is always wrong and we feel that we would have done this and that if we were to be in that position.
But will we ever be able to do things properly when we are in that position. Forget about being in that position, even wold-be managers i.e. students pursuing MBA, can they behave the way which is humane.
Though being humane is a strong adjective to be used for so called petty things like hurting some one, playing with some one's emotions, I'd still consider that inhumane. I would not want to compare it with the inhuman conditions prevailing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia which cannot be expressed in words.
Iam speaking about a very simple matter of fact "hurting emotions".

Iam writing this because of sequence of events that happened in the last couple of weeks, not with me as the subject though.
The importance of understanding the other person is something I think every B school should implement.
Agreed numbers maatter in corporate world, but whats wrong in acheiving the numbers without hurting the other person.
I dont want to conclude anything from this article. Just pouring out some thoughts was the intention behind this article.


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