Silver jubilee!!

25 years of my life have passed by...But 25 is just another birthday like the earlier 24 years...but somehow Iam fascinated by numbers and 25 does occupy some special position;) and hence a special occasion!!

As per the movie padosan, until 25 years a guy has to be a brahmachari and then he is ready for marriage at 25...ha ha.. But I have decided to extend that limit to atleast 50 more years, and if I manage to live that long the postponement would continue...Bad luck girls :-p!!

I want to write something on this special occastion though. But, what to write...Hmm..

About Schooling, college, and then office.. thodi masti, thodi sharaarat, thoda gum, thodi khushi aur thode dost .

I owe these 25 years to so many people...Ofcourse Iam not goint to say it the Oscar way of thanks to a, b, c etc...But things have happened the way they have because they are supposed to have happened that way.. and hence I met all these people because they are supposed to be present there to show me this direction...

The traits that would probably explain me are hardly anything in specific...Iam everything in bits and pieces...

There are so many things that I want to write on this occasion, but am unable to speak about anything in particular, because it would take away the credit from all the other moments that I have lived.

I realized that there is some purpose of my being here, and to realize that purpose and to acheive towards it would be the motto of the forthcoming years...

But alas!! my destination is already defined...and hence if I understand what am I supposed to become and the way things are going to unfold there wouldn't be any excitement or meaning involved in any activity...It would be more like watching the highlights of a match whose result you are well acquainted with...

So, I pray to the unforeseen force that has been so far guiding me to keep things as they are and make me the person who you want me to be..."sthithapragnya"!

PS: It may not be the end of this article, since this is my silver jubilee year I may pour some of my thoughts related to this through out this year!


ImMortal said…
i know u r 25 yrs old ... trust me it was a oppurtunity for me and praveen to know it in an awesome way .... by the way u alwayz have the freedom to take bus frm bmby to hyd.. i know u r smiling right now ;)

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