Term exams!!

Iam writing this article before Iam going to take my exam..
Our term examinations are beginning today...Big deal!!
Feels different taking the exams after 4 years...I cant express how am I going through right now, but then the exhaustive studies that happened yesterday and the day before reminded me of the days that we used to write the B.Tech exams...
Its that "LOST" expression that most of us have had just two days ago... and here is everyone trying to gear upto to take the exam.

Atleast for me, Iam not that well prepared, but somehow B.Tech and my career have ruined my drive to excel in examinations like these...Iam taking the exams as they come to me without a great passion.

THe reason may be because everyone expects you to write down something from the text book...I know that there is hardly a method where the student can't be grilled based on his exams...

But wouldn't it have been fine to examine the student based on what he is and what he is capable of, atleast at the stage of Masters and PhDs...

We've been doing the same stuff for atleast 20 years in our lives and to repeat the same old stuff again does really take a toll on me.

Nevertheless let me just see how things go forward. I know these might make a difference to the Resume, but if it is what is going to rate me, then I may as well stop looking at my CV because Iam so bad at reproducing the things given in the text book and somehow I have no intentions to overpower tihs weakness of mine.

Wihing every one good luck.. and of course expecting the same;_)


Kanchan said…
Sriram, Even i accept with you. How long are we still going to putdown everything from our text books.

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