How much does space mean?

How much does space mean?

I've been looking out for apartment in Mumbai for close to two weeks now, and Iam not satisfied with the response that I got so far.

We are being asked too much for the kind of facilities that are promised.

I felt like a refugee when I looked at some of the apartments.

We are still scratching our brains if the no. of people to stay in an apartment is "n+1" or will "n+2" or "n+3" is also ok..where "n" stands for the no. of bedrooms in the apartment.

So much so for the refugee talk...

I just realized what it takes to lead a life like a refugee.

75 people including women and children living in three rooms and a single toilet.

People sleeping in hand-mouth conditions that one cannot see the ground on which they are sleeping.

This is the situation in Pakistan who is tormented by the flood of refugee from the tarnished areas of Swat valley.

The Pathans so famous for their hospitality, generosity are being stretched to the limit to accommodate the people who have fled from the Swat valley. 

Can you imagine giving out half of your home for strangers and asking your folks to stay at relative's place so that you can accommodate more strangers who are in dire need of help? 

It infact takes a mighty heart to do so. Hats off to the hospitality of those people!!

I just got a call from one apartment owner that he is willing to offer me an unfurnished 3 bedroom apartment for 40,000 INR. Earlier the same owner was asking us for 55,000 INR for a furnished apartment. 

Considering the dismal life that many humans live in, may be it is worth paying so much for the apartment. But is it really?

May be Manmoham Singh could have extended a warm tap on the back of Mr. Gilani instead of a simple handshake.

It is time to reduce the space between our hearts rather than trying to decrease the area that we live in.

Done with this blog and let me dedicate my time in addressing the energy issues which are crippling many parts of my part of the world.

Oh God! Give every one of us enough courage to solve each other's problems.


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