Migrate from "Live and let live" to "Live and not let live"

I was just browsing through some articles about the aviation industry. The industry is obviously going through a tough time, but I just happened to look at two airlines which are almost on the verge of bankruptcy.

British Airways(BA)
Air India(AI)

Both are government operated airlines and are equally famous for their misdeeds.
British Airways was very famous for its baggage mishandling and the much crowded Heathrow airport in London added to its chaos..

Air India has been always famous for its irresponsible behavior with its customers and what not.

But the interesting topic to discuss is the way the employees of both these organizations are behaving during the present crisis.

BA employees have voluntarily agreed for a paycut or an unpaid leave instead of mass layoffs. They are trying their level best to keep the company up and floating.

AI employees on the other hand are about to go on a strike demanding that they receive all their salaries on time. They are in fact asking for a package of Rs15000 crores to ensure that the company remains afloat.

Goddamn it, 15000crores for 30,000 employees so close to Rs 0.5 crores per employee is being asked for in a country where the per capita income is around Rs30,000 per annum.

I do not know the problems that the employees are facing on a day to day basis but they are not doing anything to ensure that the company remains in safe hands, but are demanding for money without any change in the way company runs.

I've traveled with AI couple of times but though it wasn't a bad experience, but the air around it is always as if you are being dealt with as an obligation. There is no intention of serving the customer with a wholeheartedness that you otherwise encounter in other international airlines or even for that matter in the other domestic private airlines.

It'd be interesting to see how the company comes out of this issue and this may give an indication about the willingness of the government to ensure that even government companies will be run professionally


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