Who cares if it is not my money!

I give you billions of dollars to fend off common enemies. What do you do with that money?

You siphon off more than $5 billion to build your nuclear empire. Not bad Pakistan!

Iam a tax payer and through every penny that I earn, I pay a percentage to you to provide me with good infrastructure. What do you do with that money?

Build a gigantic monument of your own statues by consuming money worth Rs 2000 crores. This happens while most of the people you are ruling are below poverty line. Kudos to Mayawati, CM of Uttar Pradesh.

I am a tax payer and I want to make sure that you govern well. What do you do with that money?

Amass thousands of crores of assets for your son and yourself, and also get a chartered flight so that you can boast of better coverage. This in a state where there are huge suicides of farmers and mill workers because they cannot earn even Rs 20 per day :(.. Jai ho Mr. Rajasekhar Reddy, CM of Andhra Pradesh

Of course there is another person, the boss of all these people. He said he will give huge returns for all the investments, but I can only have investments of at least $100 million or more. What does he do with all that money.

Create the largest ponzi scheme ever in the history worth $65 billion. What do the losers get in return. A 150 year jail term for the scamster and $80 million of his assets. Where did all the money go, no one knows. Awesome Mr. Madoff, you rock!!

And finally there is the person found the company "Satyam". "Satyam" stands for Truth. But this person made sure that he did many things which are everything but "satyam". He created the largest corporate fraud in the history of India for close to Rs8000 crores. But at least he seem to have a lot of it in the form of assets which hopefully will be used to pay back the investors. You almost did it Mr. Ramalinga Raju. Better luck next time.

Once again, who cares if it is not one's own money:)


Parul Tongaria said…
How come no one commented on this one. Very interesting way of putting things. Hmmmm....

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