
Nowadays isn't everything about globalization? Or is it only talk and not action?

Are people really interested in globalization?

What does globalization stand for...? No physical barriers.. or is it like worlwideweb, where everyone has firewalls to allow people with permissions i.e. the boundaries become virtual.

History dates long back.. and the one that reminds us of what big walls are built is obviously the so called "Great" wall of china.

But, the trend is going the other way round.

Every one though that the break down of the Berlin Wall was a hallmark in the history of globalization, but things went topsy-turvy. It was the beginning of construction of lot bigger barriers...the behemoth of all the walls being constructed is the Isreal Palestine dividing wall.. It stretches for around 800 kms nearly.

Next is the proposed wall between US and Mexico... US wants to protect its boundaries from the illegal immigrants of Mexico...

India is also constructing a barbed wired wall between itself and Bangladesh.. which might stretch for around 2000 kms...

All the more there are talks about a wall between India and Pakistan...

What is the purpose that these walls are going to serve?

Will we be able to open our hearts in big way with all these boundaries made physical forever?

Will they bring the eternal peace, the thought atleast into the minds of the nations?
Will they bring back the lost glory of the togetherness?

The countries which speak about unification, probably mean to acquire lands than to be unified in literal sense.

This was about physical barriers...what about the virtual missile shield that US is planning on Europe? It says that, the shield will provide any attacks on Europe...

Doesn't it make sense that even before I take care of others I should probably make my home own secure?

We are all building the barriers across ourselves.. whether it be physical, virtual or the ones built internal within ourselves...We are avert to the concept of taking care of others... We abhor any idea of unification...We care about the things which will suit us at the cost of others...

THe only solution seems to be that countries will acquire another country, just like corporate acquisitions, and thereby elimiate the walls!! :)


Pavan said…
Man..dont say we dont need walls. There are somethings which can only be done inside the walls :D..just kidding
sriram vangara said…
It is not inside the walls... it is behind the walls.. Probably there are certain things that can be done inside the walls as well :).. like what insects do!!
Pavan said…
Nice one :D

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