"e" commerce is bigger than E-commerce

Every one is probably associated with the term E-commerce. It is the business done online in any form.
From an Indian perspective E-commerce has come long way from a revenue of around some millions of dollars to near around billion dollars.

But the one that Iam going to discuss in this article is not that E-commerce, but it is the other e-commerce which every one is dreaming about i.e. "ecology" commerce.

What.. ecology.. and commerce?

Isn't ecology destroyed by booming business and commerce, and hence any increase in business will lead to ecological damage...So how is there e-commerce.

We know about Global warming which is happening because of the increased pollutants into the air by industries. Now these emissions, called as carbon emissions, have to be reduced in order to reduce the rate of increase of global warming.
So, a concept called as carbon trading has been introduced near around a decade ago.
Here, industries are allocated certain share in the amount of CO2 that they can emit. So, if the industry can reduce its emissions, it can trade its share with another industry and convert those credits into money.

Already carbon trading business is touching nearly $11 billion.
In this fiscal year for the first time some of the Indian companies( Few from Kerala) were also able to trade their carbon credits for money.

These credits will encourage the industries to reduce their emissions as those credits can be converted to money.

e-commerce doesn't include this carbon trading alone. Look at what not can be achieved to control the CO2 emission. Recently a person patented a technology using which one can inhale Co2 and store it thereby making the air better to breathe.

So, in short e-commerce means any business that ensures that the ecological disturbances are minimised.

India and China do not yet have bigger oppurtunities in carbon trading because they did not sign the treaty to reduce the pollutants, taking an excuse that they are developing countries and cannot afford to lose the pace of their growth with environmental restrictions.
Its going to be long time again, for India to enter into "e" commerce.

PS.. Iam still trying to gather numebrs about "e" commerce.


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