Now...why Marry in the first place?

Is marriage a license to satisfy bodily desires?
Is marriage a provision to acquire a partner for lifetime?

Does marriage really act like an agreement between two mutually adjustible parties?

Or is it that one of the members comprimises and is forced to comply?

Our religious scriptures say that marriage is an activity for the culmination of two bodies eventually to give birth to children. The clause is raising children. As I mentioned earlier, this explanation itself was enough to justify the marriage system.

Earlier People had patience and belief in the system. Every one would abide by the existing practices in the society.
Yester years have gone by and every one knows the ground reality, and we are still planning to marry. And marriage has become synonymous for one to be assumed as sane. ( Has it? ).

On a more personal front...
I believe I owe everything to parents, coz, my existence itself is because of them. So to take care of them is my duty.

When I have a very broad vision or a plan to do some activity, which would require all the resources that I have wouldn't marriage be a hurdle. Because,

Once I get married it becomes one's duty to take care of his/her spouse and children. Only when they are satisfied one should think beyond. Say, if I even earn around 2-3 lacs per month by staying within the country, first I need to satisfy spouse and children's desired and then probably plan for something left. So, it will remain a life long commitment, which, once I acquire, cannot ignore.

Now, a spouse and children are new commitments that I have brought which needs to be taken care under any circumstances and most of my energies would probably get used to it. So, I can think beyond the family with left out resources.

Why should I work on my passion with left out resources? When I mean by resources it can be money, energy levels and many more.

Even if I have a small percentage of that energy that I can use, I'd want put that into my passion rather than concentrate about some commitments that I have newly acquired.

Sounds out of the world!! Will try to add more perspectives to it. ( I need many arguments to convince my existing commitments about my aversion to marriage )


Pavan said…
Does marriage only mean spending energy? or can it be a synergy :)
sriram vangara said…
Knew this would be one of the possible questions from you?.. I am not denying the fact that it can be a synergy. But, all that I am concerned about is the commitment factor. If I am married to some person I'd not want my spouse to share a small shelter with me or move around with me to places which might be tougher to live considering our present standards. Why should I even cause that inconvenience to them. With such increased attachments and responsibilites will I be able to channelize my resources into the categories that I wanted to?

All the more, the synergy that you are speaking about...I wish from the bottom of heart that it will be true in your case...but if one cannot compromise on the qualities of other person and bear with him/her for whole life do you think that relationship is worth it, where compromise takes precedence over satisfaction...It'd not probably make much of a difference if there are misunderstandings or compromises with the people beyond your family, since that relation may not be eternal through out his/her life...But, a life partner is a different story altogether. One is trying to look/share everything in the other person, and any misunderstandings are going to tether his life...Am I willing to take such a chance?...Yes, I've become pessimistic looking at the ground reality...But isn't that how life is?
Pavan said…
Is the life that you are mentioning the 5 years of young life that you are experiencing rt now?

I will not deny that Marriage will increase dependencies, at the same time I cannot agree that not marrying can free you from dependencies.

Anyway the opinions vary according to ones priorities..that what i can see
hi looks certainly out of world to me!!
what is your concern basically?
do you want to say u cannot make ur spouse and children to face hardships moving around with you or.. u cannot afford to spend your whole life with a person whos not compatable enough to be a life partner to you?
Pavan said…
I see both in this :) not one
Tyagu said…
that is good thought,, but you will have to be really successfull in life in whatever you choose to do, only then you can prove to others that the decision you made is right..

I may be wrong, just a thought

- Thyagi

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