
The raison d'être of this blog was that, whenever I come across with any stupid or weird thought I can simply put it down.

But, so far I've been only posting my thoughts but not any of my stupid ideas:).

SO, let me begin with one of them that just splashed across.

What if we have a monitor which displays different things depending on the person who is watching it.

Say in an organization I have a very wide screen on the top of the wall, and say, I have some goggles kind of stuff, or I have some sensors detecting the light rays coming from say X person.

The moment these light rays are detected, the display is only of the things pertaining to that person. Similarly for persons y and z as well.

Imagine a single wall and every one staring at the wall and working.:)..

It can be extended to many folds. Even for bill boards if the technology is intelligent enough to identify the age group/sex or whatever criterion that can be configured of the person who is watching the bill board, it will display the ad accordingly. In that way I have huge saving of money and space and at any instant of time I can have everything being displayed on the bill board depending on who is the viewer.

Isn't the idea very catchy? :)
Will come up with some ideas like these... Bear to understand those ideas!!


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