It takes a Deep Recession to replace 7 with 20!
After years of dominating the whole world, 7 is being replaced by 20 to make sure that the representatives become all encompassing. This Recession which began in US had a huge impact across the globe, but is felt the most in the developed part i.e. the group of G-7. So forced to give-in the supremacy, the G-7 is now trying to accommodate the developing nation into the elite group. Us, which is blamed for all its greed and other activities that have taken a dent on its image, is surprisingly the one which has initiated this process of giving more power to G-20. At times one may wonder if the EU is the actual culprit in the world economic forums, not not US as is perceived. Not that US can be said as a great proliferator of free trade especially with the recent 35% import duty on Chinese tyres. Getting back to the topic, Iam sure there would be huge reluctance from the G-7 to give-in to sharing of powers with the G-20 which make the forum all the more dynamic. Iam not sure ...