సంగీత ఝరి.. ఎటువంటి ఝరికి అయినా, దానికి స్వరూపం ఇచ్చేది దానికి ఉన్న అవధులు, అవే లేకపోతే, ఝరి అనంతమైపోయి ఉనికిని కోల్పోతుంది. మన తెలుగు పాటలకు, ఒక నా లాంటి సామాన్యుడు పాడుకో గలిగే తెలుగు పాటల ఝరికి ఒక అవధి, బాల సుబ్రహ్మణ్యం గారు. ఈ అవధి, ఒక అడ్డంకి లా కాకుండా, ఈ ప్రవాహానికి ఒక సారూప్యం ఇచ్చింది. గత కొన్ని దశాబ్దాలుగా తెలుగు పాట రూపు, బాల సుబ్రహ్మణ్యం గారు లేకుండా ఊహించుకోవడం కూడా కష్టమే. “స”, “ప” లు జనరంజకమవ్వాలంటే భాష మరియు భావాల “బ”లిమి కలవాలి అని, “SPB” ని అమ్మవారే మనకి అనుగ్రహించారు. ఆయన స్ఫురణే ఈ ఝరికి స్ఫూర్తి!! ఆ మహానుభావుడికి ఇదే నా పదాంజలి!! - వంగర శ్రీరాం
Is marriage a license to satisfy bodily desires? Is marriage a provision to acquire a partner for lifetime? Does marriage really act like an agreement between two mutually adjustible parties? Or is it that one of the members comprimises and is forced to comply? Our religious scriptures say that marriage is an activity for the culmination of two bodies eventually to give birth to children. The clause is raising children. As I mentioned earlier, this explanation itself was enough to justify the marriage system. Earlier People had patience and belief in the system. Every one would abide by the existing practices in the society. Yester years have gone by and every one knows the ground reality, and we are still planning to marry. And marriage has become synonymous for one to be assumed as sane. ( Has it? ). On a more personal front... I believe I owe everything to parents, coz, my existence itself is because of them. So to take care of them is my duty. When I have a very broad vision or a p...
Couple of weeks ago I said these statements in a rally. Guess who am I? Iam running the country for the past 28 years, after some heroic efforts. In all these years of rule I hardly did anything for the economy, but I've ensured that I had all the luxuries. Now Iam 84 years old, but still Iam eager about power. Because of lot of international pressure I agree to conduct elections...My main opponent is a trade union leader and has been the strongest critic of mine for a long time...looking at the situation I predicted that it might be a landslide win for the opponent, so I went ahead and started annihilating all the supporters of the opponent party. I even scared the people who were willing to vote to the opponent member. In order to act as a mediator I invited the prime minister of the powerful country in the continent, who is the only supporter of mine and ensured that any troubles are overcome. In spite of all the efforts, in the elections held in March' 08 I lost the electio...